Sunday, April 19, 2009

Life's a bitch, and then you go to a concert.

Life sucks sometimes. I found out on Monday that my friend Shevey got knifed and killed by her boyfriend. I still can't believe that she's gone. It's fucked up. So, yeah, fuck April. My girlfriend also dumped me a few weeks beforehand.

I've been drowning out the pain with Dissection's Beyond the Horizon and God Dethroned's Swallow the Spikes.

These songs are fucking incredible. While listening to Beyond the Horizon, I feel as if I'm wittnessing the end of time. I never really appreciated it until now. I would post a video of Swallow the Spikes, but the fucker who uploaded it disabled it. Asshole.

Well, I'm going to see The Haunted on Wednesday night, and I'm fucking psyched. I figure I might say what the hell and start hunting for a new girl. Someone who won't fucking make me quit smoking weed. I'm not going to count on anything, though. I never was the wittiest fucker in the shed.

So, yeah. The memorial service for Shevey is on Tuesday, so I'm going to celebrate her life, and my moving on, with The Haunted. Sounds like a great fucking plan to me. Also, I'm switching to Kool cigarettes, away from my favorite Marlboro Reds. Kools were Shev's cigarettes, and lately I've liked menthols.

Before I move on to politics, I'd like to tell everyone (so fucking many) who reads this about a local band that I'm a huge band - Apothys. Self-proclaimed "Blackened progressive death metal". They kick some serious ass. Here's a video of a concert I was at. The song is called "Empyrean Unrest". I'm the dude in the bottom right corner headbanging out of rhythm.

On the political side, I've recently found out that Israel is finally growing some fucking balls and preparing to bomb Iran's nuclear sites. America has way too much invested in the middle east, so much, in fact, that our Allies in the middle east want us to do all the fucking work for them.

It's time that foriegn countries stop tattle telling on their neighbors to us. We're not fucking superman. Take care of you own shit, and we might help you out, but we're not going to do your dirty work for you because everyone already hates us. We have too much shit to take care of in our own country at the moment.

In this economy, with all these fucking bailouts and bullshit, we can not physically afford to help them out much more than we are right now. We're how far in debt? 11 TRILLION DOLLARS. I feel shitty when I bum 20 bucks from a friend. And we're out 11 trillion? How is it that we can spend money that we don't have? It doesn't make any logical sense.

God damn I can't wait for that concert. I'll leave you with this video, and ignore the video. It's gay as fuck, but the song kicks ass.

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